After the drama I had last week, the dust has finally settled. I continued with my daily routines, where I experience different writing challenges. But hey I'm not complaining because at the end of the day, I feel tired but not dead exhausted. I most especially look forward to seeing Marvin. As much as possible, we go home together after work. He works on Saturdays, making weekends pretty much irrelevant. :( So we can be able to extend our bonding time, we eat dinner together. It is costly but we take delight in eating together. This is the time when we talk a lot, about the future as well as nonsense stuff. Of course, we make sure to find the cheaper places. Restaurant/eatery hunting is part of the fun.
What makes today different is that it's a beginning of the three-day weekend plus it's a payday! Yeah! The boyf and I were on the same page about having dessert at Dessert Factory (no pun intended!). We went to Ayala and had a sumptuous sizzling dinner at Sizzling Chef. I had a serving of squid, which I really loved, with java rice that wasn't any different than regular except for its orange coloring.

Our final and most-awaited stop was dessert. Everybody knows I'm the dessert monster and I think I'm rubbing it off to Marvin. He had blue berry cheesecake and I ordered vanilla with mango ice cream cake. Since we were still hungry, we ordered Dessert Factory's chili con carne fries with cheese! It was definitely better (and more expensive) than dinner. Well, we didn't really mind because everything was heavenly.

Nobody can ruin my mood today. I am in seventh heaven... especially my stomach and heart :) Thank You, my panggusan. hehe
Photos taken with my Sony Ericsson k800i.