Hi blog, I missed you! It’s such a shame that I haven’t written anything for November when a lot of things have transpired.
Top SellerI am so proud to announce that the boyf is his company’s top seller. Hurray! It’s his first month and he was able to leave a good impression. He was above his target, reaching 105%. I wonder what he’ll do with his commission. I’m guessing a pig out session. And hey it's exactly a month before my birthday! Just kidding!
Allen IversonAs much as I hate to admit it, I miss my idol. It pains me that Iverson never got an NBA offer so he opted to play in Turkey. He now wears jersey number 4 for Team Cola Besiktas. Too bad he couldn't wear his signature number 3. Apparently,European basketball rules forbid anything lower than 4. I really think that it’s a heartbreaking way to end his great career. What he brought to the NBA was more than the elusive championship ring he chased in his more than a decade's career.

Turkey received him wholeheartedly. He seems happy but I know deep down, he’d rather play at home and showcase what’s left of him. I just hope he finishes his 2-year contract smoothly.
Good Luck, A.I. You’re still my hero.
HouseIt seems like a tornado has hit our 15-year-old house. Our humble abode is under renovation and saying that it’s a mess is an understatement. We can’t’ sleep on our beds because of the chaos and paint stench.
I miss our clean room, especially my bed. I’m actually thinking of rearranging our room because it’s starting to look boring. My dad chose a very cute color, a dark magenta or something. Yey! It’s a good start.

I hope all the trouble is worth it. I am looking forward to a clean and comfortable house. We need to remove all the piled junk that we have. We are finally throwing/giving away the ancient stuff that we no longer use. Our house painter happily brought our old refrigerator and television to his house. As they say “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Good for him. Good for us.
InternetI’m having the urge to toilet-paper PLDT. Okay, I know I’m lame.
I must admit it was partly our fault because we forgot to pay our bill last month. But really, only one month??? Is it a sin to be busy? PLDT is so unreasonable. They suddenly changed their payment terms without warning. We are not delinquent payers and this is the first time our telephone line and internet connection were cut.
They say that we shouldn’t depend too much on technology, but honestly, it’s part of my life. After facing the computer for more than eight hours is draining but I need it for my sideline. I have work on my beanie orders, with Facebook on the side. Haha
It is one of the reasons why I haven’t done anything for my blog. I guess you're wondering how the hell I am able to make this post. You'll know later. :)
As a Gleek, I’m so glad that my assignment this month is to write for our new Glee fan site. Yey!!! It’s almost ready. We just have to do some finishing touches. All the write-ups are nearly done. I spent 90% of my working time writing for the cast, episodes, and what not. Though it was tiresome, I really enjoyed writing about Glee.
To all Gleeks, you have to watch out for the launching of our new site. It is complete with photos, spoilers, news, songs and wait for it… FULL EPISODES!!!! Yeah!
So there you go. I still have a lot to rant about but I’ll leave that for my next blah-blah-blahs. Bye!
P.S. This post was made possible through the illegal internet connection from the Dumdum residence. Hi yan. hehe