It's only been three days; too soon to make a conclusion. But these first days have been the complete opposite of the last one. There I felt like a useless freak. Here I feel valued and trusted. When there I felt controlled, here I feel in control of myself. There is not a single time I felt out of place. No judging eyes. No cold shoulders.
I'm not a little girl anymore who needs to be checked up on every darn minute. Here, I am left alone to do my thing. I have all the freedom to express myself, to show what I've got. I don't count the minutes until I'd have to leave; the minutes chase me instead. It amazes me how time flies so fast and how it's not enough.
It feels good to be much appreciated... and umm well-compensated. :)
It's only been three days and unlike the last time, I'm definitely staying.
I thank God for this blessing. I need and want to stay here.
yay!! im soo hsppy for you, nik!! finally found someplace where you can be happy at! God bless you more, nik! :)