Today is already Christmas eve, the 24th of December. I guess it sounds timely because I am writing about my 24th birthday. Okay, definitely a pitiful justification.
This year, I decided to spend my birthday in a simple and laid-back way. After about four surprise parties in the last years, I practically begged my boyfriend to spare me this year. It wasn't really that hard for him to grant me my request because he was also busy with work.
I didn't stress about who to invite. I spent the eve of the 19th with my close friends in college and Marvin. We had dinner at AA Barbecue at the North Reclamation Area, then dessert at Kopi Roti in Mabolo. Eating, talking and laughing with the people I love made my celebration meaningful.
Added bonuses were the gifts I received. Thanks, Cai for the bag, RC for the bag, Mitch for the planner, Mark for the gift certificates, and for everyone's greetings! I received a lot of gifts but I believe they can't read this. who can't read this. hehe I was touched when my boyfriend slipped our couple ring into my Ferrero Rocher. Yumminess to my taste buds and heart!
I spent the day eating and sleeping. I felt so relaxed. We had a simple celebration at home and honestly, I was contented. I treated Marvin's family to some cake and ice cream.
I celebrated my birthday with the simple pleasures of life! The world has been treating me well. I am fat and happy! Figuratively and sadly, literally. haha :)
Neekul has left the building!
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