I just felt like writing something about food, eating and my body. I always get asked how I maintain my body. No, I’m not bragging to be sexy or slim. It’s just that I used to be chunky ever since I can remember and I already lost some of my flabs. I wasn't really obese or anything, I was chubby so please don't overreact and go acting surprised that I became thinner. A lot of people do that, you know. They never stop babbling about it like it was a great miracle from God. It gets so annoying. Come on, get over it. I only lost about 20, not 200 pounds. I want to tell them "Thank you for noticing and all, but can you stop overnoticing?" (If such word exists, of course) Losing weight was and is not a walk in the park. Yes, I did some dieting before but for three years now, I’m over that.
If only I can provide tips that state the pros and cons of eating this and that. I don’t pretend to eat a lot to sound cute. Neither do I act that I don’t have the appetite, to look charming. If I really really like the food, I gobble like there’s no tomorrow. If the food doesn’t suit my taste , no thank you. Even if I don’t admit that I’m a picker, I really am. There are some foods that my body refuses to take in. Well sometimes the icky food manages to get inside my mouth but it finds a way to get out before it even reaches my esophagus. People are also a factor for my eating habits. I enjoy a good eat with people close to me. I sometimes don’t take pleasure in eating when I am alone. Eating by myself is comparable to a snake eating for the sake of feeling full. The professional advise to eat balanced meals. I guess balancing for me is either having too much or little to eat. Hahaha Just kidding!
Since I don’t have the luxury to always eat out with my friends lately, I don’t have a reason to always pig out. I am lucky to be in a household of health conscious people. Since my mom has a high blood pressure and my dad already had a gall bladder stone removal, our food choices are healthier. My parents always make sure to have fruits and vegetables on the table. We opt for wheat bread than the white one. We eat more fish and chicken than red meat. Since I mentioned meat, for a year now, I bid good bye to pork. Honestly, it is not about dieting, we seldom eat pork at home anyway; it just started as a dare for a week until I decided to stick with it. I must say I miss eating grilled pork belly and pork sinigang from time to time but I don’t pretty much have pork cravings.
Even if I say that I’m not on a diet anymore, I have to admit that there are times that I feel (and look) fat especially before, during and after my menstrual period, and sadly people just seem to notice it right away. Boo! There are week, even month-long food trips I can’t say no to but I am lucky that after just less than a week of eating healthily at home, my body goes back to normal. I am proud to say I can eat what I want and whenever I want to, but I don't really want to abuse this privilege so if I'm not really hungry or I don't like the food that much, why would I eat voraciously?
The best advice I can give to those who want to lose weight is to do it slowly but surely. We all want to the fast and easy route but crash diets aren't going to help! If you're helpless enough to do it, then good luck when you crash and burn. Not eating rice and worse, carbohydrates in a long period of time is not the answer. You will regain your weight in no time. Trust me. I used to do that and it made me sick and fatter. Skipping meals is a big no no! Your metabolism would slow and would make you crave for more food. Don’t be in such a hurry. Healthy eating is better than dieting. Fruits and vegetables should be your best friends. They certainly worked for me big time. If you’re not a fan especially of vegetables, if I may be honest with you, it will be very very hard. I don’t have to tell you the health benefits of these foods, you’re not a kid anymore. Obviously you have to say good bye to your daily chips, soft drinks and fast food. The mere subtraction of these foods would be a great jump start. I know it's hard but "no guts no glory" applies to dieting. I never thought I'd stop eating pork, but I did it. A lot of people are softdrinks slaves. Not me. If soda is the only beverage, I'd rather not drink at all because it makes me more thirsty. Water is still the best thirst-quencher not some energy drink advertised on the TV.
Eating healthily doesn't mean you can't eat some junk. You can also indulge from time to time. After a week of eating healthily, you may have your favorite burger on a Saturday and of course resume your healthy appetite. For my case, I dig in to some sweets especially chocolates, if I don't I'll probably lose my mind. In terms of exercising, I can’t really help you on that. I'm not the most moving person unlike my mom who is always on the go. I must admit, though I’m not as lethargic as before. I used to complain so much when I needed to walk but now, I enjoy walking especially if I can save from a jeepney fare. We also don’t have a house help so household chores keep me moving. I prefer playing badminton than jogging. So there, I suggest you to do something that you enjoy so it wouldn’t be a burden and move a little more than usual.
Before going on a diet, make a conviction that you’ll stick to it. Also, remember that it isn’t just about losing weight but a lifestyle change. Nobody can go on a diet forever. If you think shedding pounds is hard enough, maintaining your weight loss is tougher. Anybody can easily lose pounds but maintenance is a killer. Think as well as what your REAL intentions for losing weight. While it is inspiring to lose the extra pounds to say, maybe impress a man, I think the best way is to do it for yourself. Guys come and go, and screw them if they can't handle your love handles. Plus, if you are comfortable with yourself, not only can you gain guys’ attention but confidence as well... confidence to be a better you. Are you ready for this? If you are, I wish you the best of luck!
I blogged another take on this here: http://neekul.multiply.com/journal/item/2/losing_is_a_gain_a_must_read..._or_not_hehehe
very well- said, nik...sakto gyd ka...i just really wish that i can do what you did...hehehe...healthy lifestyle is the "in" thing nowadays...i'll try to do a healthy lifestyle and lose some of these unforgiving fats...hehehe...:)
ReplyDeleteif i can do it doc, so can you! :)