I want my first August blog entry to be timely so I am writing about my first week at work. Okay, I think it could have been better if I wrote it on my first day but I was too lazy that day. hehe
I got accepted in an advertising agency last week and I was told to report on August 9, one week after my interview. I was very pleased to know that I had extra days to bum around. That wasn't the case, though because last Wednesday, I got a text message asking me to report the next day (Aug 5) instead. Holy! I really wasn't ready for that but I couldn't say no. That was work and what message would I give if I wouldn't come? It scared the hell out of me because I didn't know what to expect. It was difficult to sleep. Paranoia was taking in.
I woke up at 5:30 a.m. I had a hard time getting up early since I got used to waking up at around 8. I last thing I want on my first day is to be late. I am supposed to arrive in FGU building in Ayala at 8:30. Coming from Talisay is such a long trip which consists of one tricycle and three jeepney rides. I left our house at 6:30 and everything went smoothly. And if I may say, too smoothly because I arrived at 7:20! I was so early that the office was still closed and that there were no chairs outside. Damn! I had to stand outside for more than one hour, fidgeting and being nervous as hell.
When I was finally able to get inside, I had a brief orientation. It turned out we can time in until 8:45. Our office is under renovation so we were in a very small room temporarily. I didn't have a desk yet because there was no space. I stayed with the creative department. They were very friendly. We have an upcoming event in September. It is a huge Asian event that comes close to the Advertising Congress. I was assigned to the Event Partners Committee. I would coordinate with the event sponsors for the requirements, needs, etc. My first day comprised of me studying the whole event specifically the sponsors and benefits. I was still a bit quiet because I didn't want my workmates to get the impression that I was cocky or something. Day one was okay.
My second day was busier and more chaotic. I really don't have a problem with my assignment even if it's a great task. It's just that I would intervene in the middle of it. It can get very confusing already and there were a lot of sponsors to get to know. There are so many details that could get confusing. I had to ask a lot of questions because I don't want to commit mistakes. I just hope the people wouldn't think that I'm such a dumb ass. I think I was already productive because I was able to communicate with some of the sponsors on the second day.
I am definitely out of my comfort zone. I still haven't been my real self yet. I hope I would be good friends with my workmates and that I would stick to this job that would really open a lot of doors for my career.
After a three-day rest, tomorrow is a new day. Lord, please help me! Don't let me turn into a nervous wreck.
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