Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stress-Relieving Saturday

Saturday is our day. :D

Nothing beats our quality time over coffee on a Saturday. My boyf fetches me from work everyday but we always go home right away because we already are exhausted.

I have to admit my daily work assignments are draining me. I have a desk job and I sit the whole day but when I go home, it feels like I run in a marathon. My head feels like it's going to burst. Writing more than three articles a day about very odd topics is not easy. My mom told me this morning that I snored loudly last night, and that it was apparent that I was dog-tired. I really hope I don't crack under the strain.

So far, I think I'm doing alright. I just need my stress-relieving Saturdays, which includes a large dose of coffee and dessert!


  1. Ang sarap naman! coffee and dessert! yummm!

    <3 hazel

  2. miss going to coffee shops!! hehehe...sweet kaau mo oi!!! hehehe
