Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ultimo: The Drum-and-Bass Ensemble

I got to watch the unveiling of my boyf's new bass-and-drum ensemble. Yup, you heard it right. Their band Ultimo is just composed of a vocalist, bassist and drummer. When he explained why there only three members in their band, the people didn't seem to give a damn. But when they started, it was apparent that they were in awe because it became very quiet. I guess the people were amazed how they were able to pull off some great songs without a lead or rhythm guitar. The audience sang along and they enjoyed their set. They were even encouraged to buy some Ultimo shirts. haha

I'm so proud of you, Ultimo! I had a great time. It was my pleasure to take your photos. I'm hoping for more gigs.Payter!

For those who want to buy Ultimo shirts, visit their Facebook fanpage.


  1. that's pretty awesome. i love live bands and it must've been an awesome experience hearing them play :) you must be very proud

  2. I am indeed proud of him! thanks for visiting my site. how did u find it?
