Saturday, May 8, 2010

Coffee Break, Roller Skating and Carting

As I would constantly say, some things are better unplanned. There’s no room for stress and worries. Well except for not being able to bring a decent camera. I went out today with two of my closest friends, Venice and Yo. The original plan was to have coffee and catch up but we ended up doing a lot of fun things. Fun is actually an understatement.

We went window shopping first. JUST window shopping. Even though we saw cheap and nice items, we didn’t get tempted. It’s actually a miracle since the three of us enjoy good buys. Maybe financial crisis has really taken its toll on us. haha We then had our coffee despite the financial crisis that I was talking about. I really believe that a great coffee jelly is exempted from money problems. (yeah, right!) The three of us comfortably talked about serious and nonsense stuff until our butts got tired of sitting. I had a spontaneous idea about going to Fun Land in Dumlog Talisay and try roller skating. I was happy as a clam when the two said yes. Before we left, we bought 3 pairs of socks which only cost us P50.

The last time I used a pair of roller skates was more than a decade ago where I fell badly that I kind of injured my back. After that accident, I stayed away from it. I occasionally roller bladed and ice skated, but never roller scated until today. I forgot how hard it was. Getting up and standing still took a lot of energy. The three of us just kept on holding on to the railing for our dear lives. It was so funny because we were so clueless on what to do. Trying not to fall on our butts made us sweat a lot. Embarrassing to admit, but I asked for help from a little girl who was I think not more than 10 years old. She gave me tips on how to balance and break. Strange how forming my two feet like a letter V did the trick. It was so difficult to get away from the comforts of the railings but we challenged ourselves to go to the center of the rink. I was the first one to do so after I agonizingly rollered and hollered my way. Yeah, I know I made a big deal out of it but for a beginner like me, it was already a big roller skating step. haha I enjoyed it and an hour worth P30 did a long way because I would like to believe, no assume that I was getting better.

After rolling skating, we decided to go carting. It wasn’t much of a to-die-for-carting but we loved the experience. After the energy-draining skating if I may call it that, we were able to relax a bit. We spent a hundred pesos for five short turns. We wanted cart some more but as I’ve said, we really didn’t want to burn some more money! hahaha It was Yo’s first try and I hope she enjoyed it.

This unpredictable day was one of the best I had this summer. I am looking for another taste of a day like this. While spontaneity brings spice to our life, friendship adds color to it.

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