I chose to post my blog giveaway last January 1 over my New Year's celebration. However, it does not mean I'm just going to skip it.
Like my Christmas, I welcomed 2011 in a simple way. We did not even have some fireworks. It would have been nice if I was able to take pictures of them like last year. I enjoyed our celebration, anyway, even if it was the five of us again - minus Mark, plus my dad.
Last Christmas, we had tacos and to continue our love for assembling our own food, we had a make your own burger for our Media Noche. Dad cooked his specialty Caldereta. Mitch made fruit salad. Plus, we received so many food donations!

Hundreds of New Year's resolutions flooded Facebook, Twitter and other sites. I had fun reading them. Some sounded unoriginal while others were so crazy. And then it hit me. I don't have mine. I'm not usually the type to make one, anyway. Haha

New Year's resolutions don't usually work for me. What I will do is set my goals for the whole 2011, not just for the New Year. I'll try my best to be realistic. Here it goes:
1. I shall take more risks. I think the world has so much to offer and I believe I have so much to give it as well.
2. I shall save up. I'm naturally frugal (a cheapskate perhaps? haha) so I think this would not be that hard. But then again, my goal is to save up 100 thousand pesos! Gulp! hahahah
3. I shall eat healthier. Double gulp!!! hahaha When others would aim to lose weight, I think I'm over that period. I am more on the maintenance stage. I've been happily keeping my weight for almost four years now. I think I'll reserve my junks for special occasions, but my desserts will still be with me, of course. hahaha :D
4. I shall complain less. Like my junks, I will reserve my complaining abilities for special, uncontrollable times. I will keep my eyes and mouth shut instead.
5. I shall write more. With plan number 1 in mind, I will try to broaden my horizons.
6. I shall improve my relationship with God. I am on my way to reaching this goals already. Joining a community will be good.
7. I shall be positive. I will try to eliminate the negativity. I will be thankful for what I have, aim to be better and accept the things that are not meant for me. I will appreciate those who love me and care for me as well as be neutral about those refuse to make me a part of their lives. No hard feelings whatsoever. Just neutral.
8. I shall try to reach all my goals this year for a happy life!
What are your plans for 2011? Let's pray for our success!
Neekul has left the building!